Confessions of a Kitchen Clutter Monkey

I used to feel so sorry for the people on that A&E show, Hoarders .  There they were, self-imprisoned victims, overwhelmed by their obsessions with trash.  Most of them knew they were sick but, because of their illness, couldn’t find the way to heal themselves. I’d sit in my mostly tidy living room and pity these folks, sure I didn’t have a problem like theirs.  Well, I do and it’s appeared in a very odd place.  I seem to be a kitchen clutter monkey. This all started last Thursday when the leader of my weight-loss group talked about how “stuff” fills up our kitchen pantries.  Along with the staples we use on an everyday basis, people often store groceries they never use.  As everyone in the meeting began nodding, I got an idea. “Hey, let’s all clean out our pantries and bring the extras to the next meeting so we can donate it to a food bank!”  Everyone agreed so I had to clean out my own shelves.  I wasn’t prepared for what I found! What was hiding in the pantry Found: flea collar for the dogthat passed away morethan 15 years ago! This is what came from my two-tier, under-cabinet, … Continue reading Confessions of a Kitchen Clutter Monkey